It’s not the end of all life, or even comfort, if the electricity goes out at your home. Although 1800s visionaries like Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse paved the way for electricity to transform from a scientific curiosity into the essential power source for modern life, they grew up without it. In fact, the majority of the humans who have ever lived on earth never knew the glowing luminescence of a light bulb or the frostiness of a refrigerator chilled beer. For most modern people, electricity is viewed as absolutely necessary. It’s not. But it sure is nice. Lucky for us, there are plenty of ways to create electricity and other forms of energy for our home or off-the-grid bug out site, without being dependent on the same grid that everyone else is. These are just seven of the energy sources you can harness for emergencies and off-grid living.
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China sets new goal…

Wow, would love to stay here…

Magnetic field weakening…

How will the end of lockdown happen……..